Moving on to a new painting in the series, similar to the one I just finished up. I started this one ads a little treat to myself after working on pricing. Did you know I hate pricing? Probably the hardest part of being an artist (for me) is figuring out how much to charge.
You can go to Michael's and get a glorified color copy in a plastic frame for $70. And it looks nice enough, really. But it's a glorified color copy in a plastic frame. Why do I mention this? Is this really my "competition?" In more expensive than the print. But I'm way cheaper than most artists you'll find.
Its important to me to be affordable, but I do put in a lot of work. And I've been doing this for a while now. Over ten years since graduating.
I'm procrastinating actually setting my prices. I think I've got it figured out, but I have to make sure.